Friday, August 27, 2010

This time next week...we go live! Watch out Ardmore!!

The Cougars are coming for ya!  With the last scrimmage out of the way it is time to get ready for the real thing next Friday in Ardmore.  I know our boys and coaches are ready...the question is - is Ardmore ready?

Pictures from the Tecumseh scrimmage are posted...Ada vs Tecumseh (Click here for individual photos)

Ada vs Tecumseh (Click here for a photo slideshow)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 20th - First Scrimmage

Friday night was the first chance for the Cougars to let out some of their aggression on somebody other than their own team. Going up against a Duncan team which was generally bigger and faster, the Cougars showed they would not back down. As would be expected in the first scrimmage, the offense never quite found its rhythm, but there were several plays which were on the verge of breaking for big gains. With more time on the practice field, these guys should be a solid ball control offense. On the defensive side, the Cougars ran well to the ball. Duncan had some big backs that were hard to bring down, so more time on the practice field working on wrapping up is probably on the agenda for the Cougar D. But they showed they could control the line of scrimmage while holding Duncan on several plays with negative yardage or no gain. I’m looking forward to next Thursday to see the progress they make.
Click here to view a slide show of all the pictures of the scrimmage.

The link below is the actual individual pictures.
Click here to see pictures from the Ada vs Duncan Scrimmage

The Cougars are in action next in a scrimmage against Tecumseh.  The scrimmage is at home on Thursday the 26th and I believe the times are as follows:

9th Grade - 5:00 pm
JV - 6:15 pm
Varsity - 7:00 pm

For all complete schedule information go to the school page by clicking here.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Road trip anyone?

We are ready!  Heading to Duncan tomorrow for the first scrimmage of the season and the first game that Cameron will participate in as a Ada Cougar.  We realized yesterday that he has been playing contact football for 11 years now!  Wow!  That is a long time!  We are ready to watch the Cougars bring home the win tomorrow!

On another note, if you would like to be notified when a new post has been made it is super easy.  Go to and either create an account or sign in using your yahoo id.  Once that is done you can click on the follow button on the right and every time a new post is made it will show up on your dashboard.  You can follow multiple links and all new updates will post in one location keeping easy for you to keep up with all the info you are interested in.  If you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to help!  Be sure you share the link with all the Cougar Fans/Alumni and let's show the team our support by following their blog!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Figuring things out...Practice with pads

I have been trying to figure out the best way to share all the pictures I get.  I know some of the kids and parents like to have the pics on facebook, but I usually take way too many to post all of them on facebook.  So my plan is to put them on Picasa and let each person download the ones they want and add them to their facebook.  If time permits, I may add some of my favs to an album on FB also.  We will see how this works and will make adjustments as needed.  I also took a few video clips which I added to Flickr.

Pictures of the first practice with Pads

Video Links of first practice with Pads

Another Cougar Media Day in the books...

Today was the first media day Roger and I have ever attended...they didn't do that back in "the day"!  It was interesting and neat to see all the boys lined up and dressed out.  I have decided to post the pictures on my facebook instead of flickr so that the boys can all be tagged.  That may end up being a problem for the games because of the number of pictures I take...but that is a bridge I will cross when I come to it!  For now, here is the link for some of the pictures I got today...Courgar Media Day

Friday, August 13, 2010

One more step to full pads and full contact!

Tonight the team donned their shoulder pads and pushed each other around a little harder.  As usual, I got carried away taking pictures.  The 300+ pictures and video clips...yes video clips ~ are uploading as I type.  I decided to add the link to the only other Ada Football game I have ever taken pictures at for you to enjoy while we wait patiently (NOT) for tonights pictures to upload. (Which will take most of the rest of the night!)  I will post the link for them tomorrow.  And tomorrow will also bring pictures from our first experience with media day! 

Ada vs Coweta - 2009

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are you ready for some football???

I have uploaded the pictures from the first day of practice.  Follow the link below to all of the pictures.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New blog...Ada Cougar Football

Roger and I decided to create a Cougar Pride blog.  We will post updates from football and basketball games that we attend that will include a link to the pictures I take.  Roger will provide some play by play commentary and we will try to add some pictures that relate to his commentary.    Our first real post will include the pictures I took of the first night of "pre-season" practices.  Hope you all enjoy it!