Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pics...pics...and more pics!!!!

The other pics are now posted!  And for those of you who facebook, I will post some of my favs there soon and tag those of you I can.

Click here for the McAlester game

Click here to view the US Grant game.

There are Cougann and Cheerleader sets also on the same page!  Enjoy!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Stealing some time to post some pics!

Well, it is football time again!  And I am starting the season off behind on my posting.  And to think...I used to NEVER be behind!  Seriously...I was quite punctual.  Oh well, no matter...there are some new pics posted now!

Media Day <--Click there to view pics...

Maroon & White Game <--Click there to view pics...

Duncan Scrimmage <--Click there to view pics...

Tecumseh Scrimmage <--Click there to view pics...

More uploading as we speak...well I know we are aren't really "speaking" but you get my drift! :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

2011 Opening Night

Tough night for the Cougars, losing to rival Ardmore 28 - 0. After taking the opening drive and marching down the field in what seemed to be unstoppable fashion, the Cougars stumbled by fumbling the ball into the end zone, to be recovered by Ardmore for a touchback. The Tigers then marched the ball down the field themselves, ending with a TD. The PAT was partially blocked by Cameron Laxton (Cameron blocked another PAT in the 3rd quarter). The Cougars had more chances, but ended up shooting themselves in the foot too many times. After stalling out around mid-field, they lined up for their first punt of the season. Or, at least, they tried to line up. After what appeared to be a lot of confusion, the team was hit with a delay of game penalty. Afterwards, the snap from center sailed over the punter, resulting in Ardmore getting the ball deep in Cougar territory. They quickly capitalized, making the score 14 - 0 after converting the 2 point attempt. The Cougars mounted one more solid drive, moving the ball deep into Ardmore territory, but stalled out again. This time they lined up for a field goal, but a low snap and bobbled hold resulted in a blocked kick. Although the Cougars fought hard the rest of the night, the game was effectively over from that point.

I'm sure Lisa will have pictures posted over the next few days, but today will be consumed with a bit more unpacking at the new house and then making our way to Norman for the opening game of the 2011 Sooner campaign. Then next week: McAlester...